23 April 2007

What season is this??

Washed the car over the weekend, and then saw this on the local news channel's weather forecast: "A WINTER STORM WATCH goes into effect for the foothills and mountains late tonight and will continue through tomorrow."

WTF?? When did we skip summer & autumn to give winter another go already? Guess I'll stock up on minstrels to tide me over until spring comes back again...

Jim Dugan, Let Me Go


Unknown said...

And there will be much rejoicing.

Happy Villain said...

Here, where there be no mountains, only lakes of greatness, we had a snowstorm last week that dumped about 6-8 inches of wet, heavy snow, and yesterday it was 84ยบ. Mother Nature is schizo and none of us is safe. Try to appreciate the fact that there are no hurricanes or tsunamis heading your way, I guess.

Larry said...

April: I'm glad SOMEone got that. A Houstonite I know read it and asked what I was talking about. Still not sure if she was playing with me. :D

HV: True, though there was a tornado watch issued on Friday. ;) Today at work was a few inches of that heavy wet stuff that I had to clear off the car after my day was done. Currently it's a rain and snow mix falling. Now, I'm all for winter and snow, but even I'M about ready for it to green up around here for a while. This just reminds me of home up in Helena, MT, when it'd always snow on July 4th. It's freaky is all.