10 April 2007

P1126, I stab at thee

The check engine light came on again. Fed up with taking the damned thing to the shop, I went out and bought a code reader for about $10 less than the dealership charges to run their diagnostic test. It came up with P1126. "Thermostat function" is all most online places define it as. So far, I've had the thermostat, the knock sensor and the coolant temperature sensor (uh, isn't that what the thermostat is for?) all replaced. The knock sensor was a different code according to an earlier mechanic trip, but they seem to be related from what I've read out there. The more complex they make 'em, the easier (and more expensive) they are to break, it seems. So essentially, I'm getting this light because the computer can't see what the coolant temperature is? Damned nosey computer anyway! And since no news MUST be really really bad news, on pops the light. I mistakenly cleared the light because I didn't RTFM. I'm sure it'll come back, though.

There was a link that I had stumbled upon that mentioned two other potential pieces that could need replacement, but of course I lost that link. I think I remember the jist it though: Remove the ignition key and replace the rest.

Metallica, Nothing Else Matters

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