24 October 2007

My Superpower

Some people laugh at my humor. Or they laugh at me, I don't bother to make the distinction any more... Some idle chat that made a friend laugh follows here. Caution: It's booger-type humor, so click back now if you ... eh, better click back anyway, just to be safe.


A brief discussion comparing current ailments. Of course when you're close friends, you arent' required to reply with the word "fine" to the question, "How're you doing there?"

me: I've only got some rubbery crap in my nose at the moment. It ought to clear up in a couple weeks.

they: you have rubber in your nose?

me: the snot up there doesn't want to budge. It was concrete in the morning & loosened up a little bit now. If I blow, I feel it move, but then it rebounds right back to where it started.

they: wow. that sounds like some kind of super hero power before you learn how to harness it
they: lol

me: hehehe... Stand back! I'll whip the vile villian with my SNOT!
me: --SNERK-kaPOW!-- "Ouch! Okay I give up!"

Megadeth, Foreclosure Of a Dream

15 October 2007

Oh good lord, he's back.

"The bum takes a fiscal quarter off & thinks he can just jump right back in, does he?"

Yup indeed. Ya know why? Because today is Blog Action Day, a day for bloggers to raise awareness of environmental issues. To find out more, visit the Blog Action Day website.

Ya know what I'm doing? Affixing this to my car. You're welcome.