24 October 2007

My Superpower

Some people laugh at my humor. Or they laugh at me, I don't bother to make the distinction any more... Some idle chat that made a friend laugh follows here. Caution: It's booger-type humor, so click back now if you ... eh, better click back anyway, just to be safe.


A brief discussion comparing current ailments. Of course when you're close friends, you arent' required to reply with the word "fine" to the question, "How're you doing there?"

me: I've only got some rubbery crap in my nose at the moment. It ought to clear up in a couple weeks.

they: you have rubber in your nose?

me: the snot up there doesn't want to budge. It was concrete in the morning & loosened up a little bit now. If I blow, I feel it move, but then it rebounds right back to where it started.

they: wow. that sounds like some kind of super hero power before you learn how to harness it
they: lol

me: hehehe... Stand back! I'll whip the vile villian with my SNOT!
me: --SNERK-kaPOW!-- "Ouch! Okay I give up!"

Megadeth, Foreclosure Of a Dream

1 comment:

Happy Villain said...

Ooooooooooooooh, while you're being Super Rubber Booger Man, I can be Nasal Tsunami Girl and together we can ... well ... we can make the allergy drug manufacturers very wealthy.