31 December 2007

auf Wiedersehen 2007

Overall, it was actually a pretty decent year; Lotsa travel, lotsa time spent with good friends, no broken bones or burned houses, and the check engine light even went out on Friday. It was also kinda sucky; Single again.

So, what's next? New paths have shown up, and I'm taking one of 'em. No idea where it'll lead, but as the saying goes, "Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." I'm tired of sitting anyway. Wonder if I'll be able to walk without staggering though.

Enjoy. I especially like how the knob there goes all the way to eleven. :D

All the best to you in the new year, may he not be a bastage.

Mono, Silicone

1 comment:

Trixie said...

Happy effin' New Year. (Best I can do after last night).

Sorry some of it was sucky, hope this one is better.