I spent 6am to 8pm yesterday at work. Best part? The tool I use to do my job told me that I was done. Ten minutes before shutting down a manager comes by and asks about "The List". I say, "It's done. Have a go.."
"No, there are two left in there, one that's been done since last week."
Sure as shit, there's a call sitting since the 24th, ready to go. I didn't see it. Number Three didn't see it. So now the POS order manager system has taken to lying to some of us. Grand.
Upgrades are coming at the end of the year, which are touted to fix everything ... just like last time. It still boggles my mind, just how much cash money we've poured into this shit.
Our CEO gave his fiscal year end pep talk a few weeks ago. You know the one. Where he gives his hand motion in front of us all to advise how great everything is, and we nod our heads and tell the people next to us how great everything is... I admit the bonus is a nice one. Biggest I've seen since starting five years ago, actually.
Snow snow snow. Skiing time is soooo close, and the ski pass is burning to be used. Soon.
Oh! Happy December, everybody.
Combichrist, Without Emotions
I didn't know that falling down a mountain with skis attached to your feet qualified as skiing.
Oh, wait...that's me.
Never mind!
Oh, I thought you'd remembered and was bringing up my adventure a couple years ago at Winter Park...
Oh the fun
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