06 August 2006

Why don't I have cable? Lemme 'splain...

NASCAR attendance is up

"Everyone from corporate bigwigs to rappers and actors are starting to bring attention to this full throttle sport. With that kind of star power and the money it brings, it's not too hard to imagine that an influx of new blood was sure to follow."

Yeah, or the fact that televised events have 80% commercial and 20% race, FORCING any potential fan to go to the flamin' event to see what the ruckus is about... Good grief Charlie Brown! I tried watching some of the Allstate 400 at the Brickyard in Indy today after washing Bobbie (more on that in a sec)... TV turns on in the middle of a commercial. Back to racing for two laps, and another 15 minutes of commercials. Races again, maybe three laps and another commercial break. C'mon people. Fifty laps of racing took place and I saw a whopping seven laps of it.

This morning I woke up around 7am and thought it would be the perfect time to wash the car (further proof that I'm insane), and if I was really lucky I could manage to get a coat of wax on. It was overcast & 60-ish degrees. There were a couple minutes of drizzle that irritated me, but nothing bad enough to really get in the way. I now remember why I hate waxing cars. I'm in no kind of phisical condition to do this! "Elbow grease" my ass; I sweated a gallon before finishing the job. Did I mention it was only 60 degrees? So now Bobbie's got a nice coat of wax. I even put on some Rain-X on the windshield. Shiny.

Creedence Clearwater Revival, Hello Mary Lou

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