21 August 2006

Explicative-free zone, one day only

The weekend... it was a mixed bag. The races were pretty good. Three Ferrari 250's placed one-two-three in Sunday's group 6B. 6A's big iron roared fantastically on Saturday, and there was only one car-damaging wreck & no driver injuries. In that, it was great.

The post-race conversations where politics and other world issues / crises are solved... well, that just fell through. It seems that while I may be my dad's son, I'm still only a child when debates and discussions are brought to the adult's table. Being interrupted, talked over, and generally ignored made me feel like just going with the thirteen year-old son of dad's business partner to ride bicycles. Only as long as we stayed in sight and out of that dangerous traffic (/sarcasm). In truth, I did get up and walk away, completely unnoticed. I suppose I should be glad someone didn't pipe up with, "Say Larry, could you go to the cooler and get me a beer? Be sure to use both hands now." (okay, NOW /sarcasm... really!)

Photos. Half a gig of photos await downloading & distributing, but I feel more like just deleting the lot of 'em.

And in the bad news department (yeah, it got better upon my arrival home), the property managers did the landscaping for more than half the yard here. Looks like absolute ass, and I am just ever so looking forward to the forthcoming bill for it. It's gonna be hell to try raking up Cottonwood droppings, too.

I think I'll go for a swim over there in that pool... the one with the big letters on the side that says (Lord help me) "Coors". This weekend is just so far beyond explicatives and colorful metaphors that I'm not even gonna bother with 'em

Seefeel, Moodswing ... no shit Dick Tracy. (oops, an explicative... so sue me)

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